- Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions (Modul)
- Molecular and Cell Biology of Mycorrhiza (Modul)
- MSQ1-4401 Molekulare Mikrobiologie und Zellbiologie (S)
- MSQ1-4402 Mikrobiologisches Seminar für Fortgeschrittene (S)
- MSQ1-4403 Seminar Molekulargenetik (S)
- MSQ1-4404 Literaturseminar für Fortgeschrittene (S)
- MSQ1-3402 Genetisches Seminar (S)
- Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten (S)
- Masterarbeit (A)

More Information
Every module available for biology masters students is listed and described in great detail in the Modulhandbuch! Take a look there, if you need additional information.