DNA Fragment Analyse

  • Datum: 18.11.15
  • DNA Fragment Marker (DNA Fingerprinting) and DNA Electrophoresis

DNA Electrophoresis

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

DNA Fragment Marker


  • Molecular Tools for Biodiversity - Which DNA Marker for Which Purpose?
  • Poczai, P. et al., 2013. `Advances in plant gene-targeted and functional markers: a review´.  Plant Methods, 9(1), p.6. Available at: http://www.plantmethods.com/content/9/1/6.
  • H. Nybom (1996). ‘DNA fingerprinting—A useful tool in the taxonomy of apomictic plant groups’ 31(3):295–304.

Tubulin based Polymorphism (TBP)

  • M. Bardini, et al. (2004). ‘Tubulin-based polymorphism (TBP): a new tool, based on functionally relevant sequences, to assess genetic diversity in plant species’. Genome 47(2):281–291. PMID: 15060580.
  • F. Gavazzi, et al. (2012). ‘Technical improvement of the TBP (tubulin-based polymorphism) method for plant species detection, based on capillary electrophoresis’. ELECTROPHORESIS 33(18):2840–2851.

Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)

  • G. Caetano-Anolles, et al. (1991). ‘DNA Amplification Fingerprinting Using Very Short Arbitrary Oligonucleotide Primers’. Nature Biotechnology 9(6):553–557.
  • G. Caetano-Anollés, et al. (1992). ‘Primer-template interactions during DNA amplification fingerprinting with single arbitrary oligonucleotides’  235(2-3):157–165.
  • W. F. Lamboy (1994). ‘Computing genetic similarity coefficients from RAPD data: the effects of PCR artifacts.’. Genome Research 4(1):31–37.
  • J. R. Meunier & P. A. D. Grimont (1993). ‘Factors affecting reproducibility of random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting’. Research in Microbiology 144(5):373–379.
  • J. G. K. Williams, et al. (1990). ‘DNA polymorphisms amplified by arbitrary primers are useful as genetic markers’. Nucleic Acids Research 18(22):6531–6535.

Arbitrary Primed PCR (AP-PCR)

  • S. Das, et al. (2005). ‘An improved arbitrary primed PCR method for rapid characterization of transposon insertion sites’. Journal of Microbiological Methods 63(1):89–94.
  • L. Espinasa & R. Borowsky (1998). ‘Evolutionary divergence of AP-PCR (RAPD) patterns’. Molecular Biology and Evolution 15(4):408–414.

Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP)

  • P. Vos, et al. (1995). ‘AFLP: a new technique for DNA fingerprinting’. Nucleic Acids Research 23(21):4407–4414.

Sequence-Related Amplified Polymorphism (SRAP)

  • G. Li & C. F. Quiros (2001). ‘Sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP), a new marker system based on a simple PCR reaction: its application to mapping and gene tagging in Brassica’. TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics 103(2-3):455–461.


  • GenAlEx offers a wide range of population genetic analysis options for the full spectrum of genetic markers within the Microsoft Excel environment on both PC and Macintosh computers. When combined with its user-friendly interface, rich graphical outputs for data exploration and publication, tools for data manipulation and export options to many other software packages, we believe that GenAlEx offers an ideal launching pad for population genetic analysis by students, teachers and researchers alike.